Domiciliary Service
The ever-expanding domiciliary service provided by Harpenden Mencap and managed by Claire Wilson, supports 17 adults with learning disabilities. Some of which reside within our purpose-built building; Pine Court and others that are supported from their own homes within the community.
The service was first registered with CQC in 2009 and provides support to those living within Harpenden and St. Albans.
The service offers tailored support packages based on the needs of the individual. A kind and caring staff teamwork within individuals own homes providing support in any areas required including:
- Personal care needs
- Economic wellbeing
- Staying safe
- Empowerment
- Being healthy
- Accessing the local community
- Travel training
- Cooking
- Attend health appointments
- Shopping
- Attending fun and engaging activities
- Support to find and maintain work opportunities and many more
All our clients are supported to be active in the local community and are encouraged to be as independent as possible, emboldened to make their own choices and positive risk taking is promoted.
Although Harpenden Mencap’s domiciliary service at present provides services to people with a learning disability they may (based on an ability to meet an individual's needs) be commissioned to provide services to people with a physical disability or any disability associated to a learning disability such as early onset of dementia.
For additional information on the services we are able to provide please feel free to contact us. Additionally, our CQC report for the service can be seen here.