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60 Years, 60 Stories

As part of our celebrations for our 60th Anniversary we have collected 60 individual stories to describe and record the diverse nature and history of our community. A story for each of our 60 years.

All our stories come from service users, volunteers, trustees, staff and many others who have been involved with Harpenden Mencap over the 60years.

Over the last 60 years we have achieved so much. Residential services for younger and older residents have been built, social groups have been setup, fairs and jumble sales, golf days, cake stalls and all sorts of events have raised money, our shop has thrived, research papers have been written, community links established and a proud and trusted reputation for high standards has been recognised. And so much more.

All these achievements have come from the hard work and determination of many, many people who had a vision to provide and promote services and equality for our people who have learning disabilities. 

All of these stories are part of our Harpenden Mencap history and we've put them together to share on this site and allow others to read them and hear what Harpenden Mencap is all about.  


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